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National Geographic







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Building Extreme Alaska
Building Extreme Alaska

Building Extreme Alaska

PBS America
PBS America | Science | Nature

Alaska is America's biggest state jammed against the Arctic Ocean. 670,000 people spread out over 663,000 square miles. That's about one person per square mile. Superimposed on the lower 48, Alaska stretches from Florida to California, from Canada to Mexico. But, geologically speaking, Alaska is young and still changing. There are 5 basic part to Alaska, each extreme in it's own right. The North Slope, home to America's largest oilfield. The Aleutian arc chain explosive volcanoes. The Alaska Range with continent's highest mountain. The Bering Sea, one of the world's most productive and dangerous fishing grounds. And the Southeastern glaciers, made up trillions of gallons a frozen fresh water.

Here with Watch Documentaries 360 in the documentary in this episode Building Extreme Alaska.

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