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Bridging The Bering Strait
Bridging The Bering Strait

Bridging The Bering Strait

Extreme Engineering
Discovery Channel | Science | Technology
April 30, 2003

Country: United States/Russia
ProjectThe Bering Strait crossing

Hundreds of millions of years ago, nature crafted the earth into continent and pushing Asia almost to the edge of north America leaving only 55 miles of frigid ocean between them. Gulf of Bering Straight, this is one of the most desolated places on earth. In winter windchill dropped to 100 below. It's an environment utterly hostile to human life.

But as one visionary engineer head this way some day, a crew of a lonely oil tanker industry will look up as they pass under the most massive structures ever built. A bridge joining continent, a bridge so long, it would be equally like the Great Wall of China. Visible to the astronauts in space. But could engineer actually build it? Could it survive the worst of nature theory. Can man finish what the nature began connect 2 vast continents across the Bering Straight. Not long ago the idea would have been left there.

A bridge across the Bering Straight would rank among the most daring project ever attempted. Right from the start, the project would face 2 enormous obstacles. First, no bridge even close to it's magnitude has ever been designed let alone attempted. And second, even if the bridge can be built, the severe conditions here just below the arctic circle would almost certainly destroy it. The Bering Strait is a deadly bodies of water. Eight months a year, it is choked with monster ice block some as high as a house. And that's not all...

More here in this video documentary with Watch Documentaries 360 in the series of Extreme Engineering in this episode Bridging The Bering Strait.

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